If you have any inquires regarding GenoSolution, please check the list of questions below. If you are still unsatisfied, then register your inquiries via customer support customer service page and we will respond as soon as possible.
  • Where should I ask of, if I have a question?

    www.genosolution.com -> Customer Support -> Contact. Please post a question, Then we will reach out to you as soon as possible.

  • Could the interpretation of the result of the test be different depending on the ethnicity/race?

    Yes. The testing method does not differ by race but the frequency of genetic characteristics differ by race and there may be difference in analysis. The genetic analysis by GenoSolution provides analysis customized by race and ethnicity using an algorithm that applies the frequencies of genetic characteristics by race.

  • Can I use the result of GenoSolution Genetic Test for medical treatments and diagnosis?

    GenoSolution informs you about customer's inborn genetic attributes, but has nothing to do with current health condition and disease diagnosis. Diagnosis and treatment requires a counselling with medical doctors.

  • What is the ideal age for GenoSolution Test?

    Unlike the health check-up to determine the current state of health, the genetic information you receive through GenoSolution does not change over time. Therefore, there is no limit in terms of age but there is the advantage of being able to start caring for your body in a more customized manner earlier as you experience our service early. However, minors require consent from their legal guardians to utilize our service.

  • What is the difference between GeneSolution Service and a medical examination?

    A health check-up is a medical evaluation of your current state of health but the GenoSolution service analyzes the genetic characteristics that you are born with to help you to learn information for preventive measures and customized care for your healthy life. We recommend that you consult a medical institution or a doctor for a diagnosis or medical references.

  • What would it mean if a risk element is found according to the GenoSolution test result?

    The changes to our body are determined by the complex interaction between genetic factors and environmental factors. The 'Effect(risk) genotype' provided by GenoSolution service exhibit your genetic characteristics and signifies that you may be weaker in certain areas compared to a person with 'Non-effect(fine) genotype'. Therefore, if you possess any 'Effect(risk) genotype', then you can start a customized care regarding the corresponding item to help you prepare for a healthy and a beautiful life.

Clinomics inc

Central Biz Tower 2nd floor, 260 Changnyong-daero, Yeongtong-gu Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea 16229

T. +82(0)31-526-1321     E. info@clinomics.com
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